Enoch/Dee debate (round-up)

Dan Harms’ review of my book led to a nice and I think quite enlightening discussion on the place of Enoch in Dee’s angel conversations, and some related questions. I was particularly pleased that Jim Davila, Professor of ancient Judaism at St. Andrew’s joined in with some details about Dee’s knowledge of Biblical sources on his PaleoJudaica blog.

I will not add anything new to the discussions at this point, but thought it could be handy for readers to have a chronologically ordered round-up of the posts and responses, which now in the end span four different blogs. So here goes:

– Dan Harms: ‘On the Shelf Review – Arguing with Angels: Enochian Magic and Modern Occulture‘. Papers Falling from an Attic Window. (The original review).

– ‘On Enoch, metal, and lonely girls: a response to Dan Harms’ review of Arguing with Angels‘. Heterodoxology (My first response).

‘Who put the “Enoch” in Enochian magic?”. Invocatio (Sara Veale’s response to Harms and me, singling out the question of Enoch’s role)

– ‘Arguing about Arguing with Angels‘. Papers Falling from an Attic Window (Dan answers Sarah and me. This post was later updated to respond also to the following post:)

– ‘On Enoch reception and Dee reception‘. Heterodoxology (Clarifying my point about how Enoch has been made to be more important for Dee than he really was, by later interpretors and magical practitioners.)

– ‘More on John Dee and OT Pseudepigrapha‘. PaleoJudaica.com (Jim Davila’s response on Dee’s actual knowledge of ancient Enochiana. People interested in the sources on Enoch from antiquity would do well to spend some time on Jim’s blog – there is plenty of good stuff on the topic to find.)

PS. This list will also be added to the Arguing with Angels page on this blog.

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